

It's Friday and several weeks ago I institued Friday night wine and cheese on our patio for me and JC.

This decree accomplished several things:
1-Before Friday Wine and Cheese a typical Friday at home would be scrounging for dinner and aimlessly flipping the TV channels. Did it take brain power--no; did it get a little stale--yes.
2-It slowed us down just a bit and got outside for just a few hours, even during allergy season.
3-It has been a great time for uninterrupted chatting with the hubby. It's amazing what you talk about when the conversation doesn't revolve around which DVRed show to watch next.
4-It creates ready-made, pre-planned, easy dinners. I have zero modivation for Friday night cooking, and I like to cook. Wine and cheese for dinner means just a little advanced planning and prep, then lots of pouring and snacking. (Honestly this one is probably my favorite).

So here are the rules:
1-Choose an evening that you want to claim for yourself (or at least mostly for yourself). I picked Friday for a number of reasons.
2-Choose 1 easy, standard menu that you can enjoy each week (beverages optional). Try to pick a meal that doesn't involved lots of shopping for random items, major prep work and can be eaten whenever every you want. It's patio wine and cheese for us through the summer, but I am thinking make your own pizza and a movie (also with wine) this winter.
3-Choose a spot that is not where you normally eat or spend your at home time. So probably some where other than the kitchen table or couch. Picnic outside or eat in the dining room, just because it's your day and it's a little special.
3-Be flexible. The idea is to create a ready made plan of relaxation to fill up an otherwise uneventful evening. If social plans or work get in the way every once in a while, no worries there is always next week.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Our Friday nights often involve Chinese takeout and catching up on the DVR, but I wouldn't so much define it was quality time. Plus, what a great excuse to sample lots of new cheeses and wines. We may totally steal this :)
