
Not what it looks like

I know this looks like a New Year's Resolution post, but dear friends you are wrong. Plus if it were a resolutions post I am about 14 days late. This is a post about a few things that I would like to focus on in 2010 and beyond.

So what is the difference? Who really knows, but it seem that 90% of the time resolutions are meant to be broken, like its OK if you spout off life changing goals on 1/1, but then by February are back to your old self. So remember the list below are NOT resolutions, but goals or plans to make my life a little more like it is in my head, coordinated and organized but fun and relaxing.

So my plans:

1-Take advantage of the local farmer's market regularly. I am excited that this will help us both eat fresh and shop local. I have already started by attending a winter market in our area.

2-Be more intentional about our grocery budget without sacrificing our eating style. We are big eaters in our house and I like to try new things in the kitchen. Yes, we could bring our grocery budget down by radically changing our menu, but that I not what I am proposing. I would like to continue to eat and cook as I always have (mostly) but pay better attention to meal planning, freezing and couponing to help save some cash.

3-Actually join the church we have attended for the past three years.

4-Plan 1 thing each month that is out of our routine. I have a problem with ruts, I get stuck in them and then get annoyed. I don't need be entertained or have plans 100% of the time (just 95%:), but I want to make sure I don't look back at the month and ask "what did I do for past 4 weeks?"

5-Continue regular running routine. Using the couch potato to 5k program I built up to a 28 minute run. I pretty much ignored my routine for December but its time to get back started. I really had no idea where I would be, but last night I donned several new running related Christmas presents and made it though 20 minutes, the last 5 even felt pleasant. So I am looking at sticking with 20+ minutes, 3x per week, until I can come up with a better goal to measure.

6-Finish projects before starting new ones, but keep starting new ones. I have a ton of 1/2 finished little things to complete, but then it's game on (bedroom, kitchen, paint, curtains...). I have to have something to keep writing about.


  1. Per #2, I read a blog post recently about an "Eating the Pantry" challenge. I really like this idea - not necessarily eating ONLY items from your pantry, but intentionally making menus based on those random items in your pantry or freezer. Saves money and clears up space!

  2. That's what I've been doing this month and so far it's been pretty fun to be creative! Plus, I got rid of some stuff and figure out new ways to use what I already had...
    Although I do cheat a lot by eating an awful lot of meals at the church...oh well!
