
Stealing Household Tips From The Not So Rich

Lavender and Lilies posted this article ripped from Domino. In it, the author recounts conversations with a few folks in the "super rich" tax bracket detailing how they (and their staff) keep their homes running in tip top shape. These are apparently the type of people that always have freshly baked cookies, even for unexpected guests and to quote the article "can arrange kid's birthday bash in 15 minutes flat."

The tone of the pieces was humerous, but also had some great suggestions about how to make life around your house a little eaiser, not to mention how to seriously impress house guests with your "on-top-it" nature. Here are a few of my favorite from the article with a few of my own added.
#1-Keep it all in one place.

-Establish a "home bible." Use it as a calendar for when to change filters, call the exterminator, or clean carpets and as a contact list for all people home (and home-repair) related, contractors, babysitters, neighbors. When you need something, emergency or not you know where it is.
#2-Know what you need.

-In the same vein, keep a mini "home bible" for you purse or car. I posted about mine here. Do this and never wonder again when you are out running errands what type of filter is on the vaccum or the exact paint color on the living room walls.
#3-Keep it in view.

-Buy in bulk, then make things visible and accessible for guests. I use TP rolls as part of our bathroom decor (see the glass cylinder). A guest never has to ask for a new roll mid-party, and I never have to stop hosting long enough to dig through my bulk stash. I also try to keep a bathroom drawer for extra tooth brushes or tolieries for guests who visit without something.

#4-Have it on hand.
-Always have coffee and filters stashed away to be made after dinner or for overnight guests. Especially if you are not a coffee drinker yourself.
#5-Be Prepared; buy white.

-The article has a different suggestion about wrapping paper, but I say all you really need is one large roll of white paper then a range of pretty ribbon colors. Keep this stocked at all times and come a last minute wedding, a baby shower or birthday you can't go wrong. If you need a little something different come holiday time just remember to buy next year's paper on 12/26. You can start wrapping Christmas presents in June if you want.
#6-Always wish them well.

-Keep a stash of a variety of birthday, get well and sympathy cards. If you keep these on hand you can drop them in the mail on short notice and without having to run an errand. Don't forget stamps.

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