I hope that by the time the program (with our much bigger bin) starts in July we will be taking out more recycling than trash. Here is how:
1)With mailer about the new program I realized that we can recycle more things so with the program expansion (juice cartons-yay!) and some because I never really looked at the original list (junk mail).
PS The fact that the program was announced via mailer, that then became junk mail was not lost on me, but at least I now knew it could be recycled.
2)Compost. I made a bin using YHL's instructions. But here is another hint: I keep a plastic dog treat container in the freezer to collect scraps so I am not making daily trips out to the bin. By keeping it in the freezer the smell is contained.
3)Paper products. I try not to use them. When we sit down for dinner we use casual cloth napkins and I go to rags before paper towels for clean up. I will admit to falling in love with the disposable wipes for counter clean up, but Clorox Greenworks are compostable.
Other clever reuse ideas saving even recyclable items from the curb.: If you find yourself with a plastic, disposable water bottle fill it back up and freeze it at as cooler ice pack. It won't leak like ice, its reusable and if it gets lost no worries. Use old newspapers as a weed barrier.
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