
It's in the Bag

I like pretty big purses. If I can't fit a chunky wallet, makeup case, cell phone, camera, water bottle, measuring tape and Ipod with room left over, it's to small. I have learned how to pair down when the outfit calls for a clutch:)
One thing that now also has to fit in my bag is my "house book." I was out and about to many times realizing that we needed new air filters, but I couldn't remember the size or loving a pillow for the bedroom but unsure of how it matched our paint color.

I found a small notebook that closes with a snap and has a pretty tough cover. In it I make notes about anything house related that I may need to remember on the fly. I have a list of the size/type of air, fridge and vacuum cleaner filters; measurements of spaces in the house that I need to fill with furniture, and all of the paint chips or fabric swatches (if I have them) that adorn the house.

By keeping this in my bag I can tell you:

1-The air filters for our house are 20x20x1.

2-I am on the hunt for a buffet for our dining room that can't be more than 16 in deep.

3-The color we painted our master bathroom (almost 3 years ago) is Olympic Silver Blueberry from Lowe's.


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  2. Really smart!! I had a similar idea once to do this with recipes I wanted to try, in case I went to the store, but that didn't happen :)
