
Fried Green Tomatoes

My kitchen is not exactly the Whistle Stop Cafe, but I do have a crop of almost ripe/green tomatoes begging me to enjoy them. Last night we did for dinner. Don't get me wrong I can't wait until I have red, ripe and juicy ones but no reason not to enjoy a different type of tomato while we wait.

Fried green tomatoes (FGT) were a last minute addition to dinner and I had what I needed already in the pantry. Olive oil, milk, egg, flour, breadcrumbs and/or cornmeal (I used both) was all it took. Plus the tomato. I used a full grown plump, but not net ripe German Johnson. I really like this tomato variety of for FGT.
I sliced my tomato into 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness, then salted and peppered each side of the slice.

While the salted slices were resting I prepared the ingredients for breading the FGT and heated olive oil in a skillet. Prepare milk, a beaten egg and dry ingredients in separate bowls. I used one plate for my flour, bread crumbs and corn meal.

It gets a little messy, but then I coated each salted tomato slice in milk, then flour, then egg, then corn meal/breadcrumbs. Once the olive oil was hot into the pan they went. Cook each side 4-5 min.Once I removed the FGT from the oil, I dropped them on a paper towel and lightly salt them again. Nothing left now but to enjoy the FGT with Idgie and Ruth.

So will I try FGT again? Absolutely they were not to difficult for a great something differnt for dinner. But for next time:

I used bread crumbs for two of my slices and corn meal for 2 of the FGT. I think next round I will use a mixture of both (maybe 80/20 cornmeal) as the final coating. I will also use a large enough pan to fry all of the slices at once. I could only fit two at a time and the oil got very messy. Maybe with a bit more planning I will have what I need for a great sauce for the FGT, something creamy, but with a little spicy kick.

1 comment:

  1. You've inspired me. I'm going to try these tonight!
