
House Tour- How does your garden grow? (Part 1)

I am a bit late posting for Kelly's House Tour Fridays, but it was a busy holiday weekend.  

We have a pretty time intensive back yard and unfortunately I don't always have the time I should to put into it. Carolina Husband works on the yard/grass and I get the rest.

Every year I have great intentions to get my vegetable garden back into shape (our first summer in the house I had home grown cantaloupe and watermelon). I really didn't do so well for 2009 either, but one thing I will never miss out on is planting tomatoes. For me, fresh backyard grown tomatoes off the vine are one of the final things to signal that summer has started. I have only gotten one red and ripe yet, but it seems that once they start turning we have a plentiful supply until September. This year I also have a cucumber vines which produces cukes faster that we eat or give away.  A new addition this summer is a tomatillo plant, I am still not sure what I should be waiting for with this one. There are lots of yellow flowers, but no fruit so far.

Tomatillo, tomato and cucumber vines on the side of our house.

Another summer garden tradition in my family is filling a strawberry jar with begonias or inpatients. I chose the later this year and have them in the shade next to my puppy garden art from Pier One.

Blue strawberry jar from Garden Ridge and Dog Garden Art from Pier One

I have worked very hard (with my mom's help) to fill the natural space surrounding our yard with perennials in hopes of curbing the weeds. I have daisys, cone flowers and beebaum which have filled in nicely this year-Very English Garden. Many of these and the other perennials in the yard have been divided and came from my mom or grandmother's garden.

Daisy, Purple Cone Flower and a Dahlia not yet blooming

There are lots of other pockets garden to show off, but I will save those for a later post when I can truly highlight the spring blooms of our lilys, gladiolas, hydrangea and irises. They have all already come and gone this season.

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